Artist Diary

In Search Of

In Search Of

The Fibonacci Sequence – especially from a philosophical point of view – forms the basis of the three series in this cycle. In a first step, I delved into the mathematical functions and properties of this infinite sequence of natural numbers. From the definition of...

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Gimmick of the Fibonacci Sequence in Sudokus

Gimmick of the Fibonacci Sequence in Sudokus

Do you like to play with numbers? Are you a person who loves to figure out the correct order? Then this blog article is for you. Based on my designs for the cycle “In Search Of” and on the Fibonacci sequence itself, I have worked out these three sudokus for you. The...

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All Things Are

All Things Are

In this cycle I immersed myself in the Buddhist teachings again. I dealt with impermanence, transition and the inner essence. At the same time, the Japanese aesthetics of Wabi-Sabi had a major impact on these six works. I asked myself: What is my idea of beauty? Does...

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hau’oli ke ola – Hawai’ian Hula

hau’oli ke ola – Hawai’ian Hula

I have been meditating for a long time on the individual movements of this hula that I had learned shortly before. Enjoying life. The sun is rising. The palm tree is waving in the wind. Gentle waves are rolling. We pick flowers. The clouds are passing. The moon is...

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Hommage to Street Art

Hommage to Street Art

For my first cycle “Homage to Street Art” I have selected three women and three men who have shaped our society in their personal way. Personalities from different countries, continents, and periods who set an example as human beings or artistic protagonists in the...

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Philosophical Contemplations – Wood Sculptures

Philosophical Contemplations – Wood Sculptures

The wood sculptures directly relate to the appropriate acrylic and oil paintings. I extracted the essence of the paintings and transferred it into a plastic form. The sculptures can intensify the essence close to the painting or carry it to another area. The...

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Juliane Kaestner

What can I do for you?

Would you like to visit me in my studio or to be informed about exhibitions in your area? Are you interested in a collaboration?

In any case, I am looking forward to reading from you.

Alte Landstrasse 289 . 8708 Maennedorf . Switzerland
Ch. de Plessis-Nogent . 97115 Sainte-Rose . Guadeloupe
