In this cycle I immersed myself in the Buddhist teachings again. I dealt with impermanence, transition and the inner essence.
At the same time, the Japanese aesthetics of Wabi-Sabi had a major impact on these six works. I asked myself: What is my idea of beauty? Does beauty express itself in flawlessness or rather in imperfection? When and how is beauty emerging? How do things in our world relate to each other, what ambiguities and contradictions do they unite?
I based my intuitive implementation of this immersion and of the questions answered on byōbu (Japanese folding screens) and have reinterpreted this old Japanese art form. The square-shaped, golden primer takes up the teaching brought into the picture, framed by a white linen ribbon. The back is papered with Japanese design paper. Finally, the overall work is surrounded by a frame.
What can I do for you?
Would you like to visit me in my studio or to be informed about exhibitions in your area? Are you interested in a collaboration?
In any case, I am looking forward to reading from you.
Alte Landstrasse 289 . 8708 Maennedorf . Switzerland
Ch. de Plessis-Nogent . 97115 Sainte-Rose . Guadeloupe